HiLiteMD- Psychology of Patients with Recorded Video

Video touches every part of our lives in business, politics, communication, social media and even in music. In recent times, the use of video content has been a focus and a trend with retailors, businesses & verticals seeking higher engagement with customers and potential buyers. Video shapes human behavior subconsciously, delivers emotional connections, provides information that is only second to in-person communication and is ubiquitous in our lives. Adopting videos for patient outreach can create powerful impact on patient care and deliver effective outreach.

Statistics show 72% of people prefer to watch a video over reading text when both options are available on a web page (HubSpot) and infotainment videos that contain details concerning medical treatments and therapies are watched twice as much as other videos. Recorded video content in the healthcare provides a significant advantage to providers and gives patients a visual-auditory tool, which drives better outcomes in all aspects of the patient’s healthcare journey in life.

Video as a visual auditory tool can help the patient to connect with the provider similar to a conventional healthcare setting. Videos can be a great tool to reinforce information provided during the patient encounter and used as a comprehensive approach by having a specific audience with a specific goal.

A few examples include, using recorded video to provide information on effectively managing a diabetic condition. Using video to providing information to post-surgical patients for better outcomes and even using recorded video for improved PHQ-9 scores for individuals with depression. Recorded videos can deliver care plan information to provide better comprehension, adherence, less chance of misunderstanding and provide an emotional connection with the patient watching the video. There are many different use cases for recorded video in healthcare and this segment has started to pick up in popularity due to the effectiveness with patients.

Much of the information that a doctor relays to a patient during treatment is conveyed verbally or on paper and is not fully understood by patients or forgotten. This usually translates into patient noncompliance, which can be avoided or greatly improved with the use of recorded video. Better outcomes are being demanded and recorded video is one of the ways that healthcare providers can easily adopt to improve these outcomes.

In terms of human behavior, it has been observed that people are often attracted by the opulence of professionally created video content. The following statement could be further validated by acknowledging that nearly 3 out of 5 people give more attention and value to the video content than text or verbal instructions provided by healthcare providers.  This means patients’ treatment is enhanced by recorded videos in the treatment plan. As a result, patients are more likely to remain a patient and even spread positive feedback that attracts new patients.

HiLiteMD distributes these types of branded videos that can be care plans, marketing to patients, general information, and many other helpful areas to support hospitals and providers in healthcare.

The combination of recorded video and telehealth offer a unique combination to improve healthcare. HiLiteMD offers the combination of telemedicine and recorded video distribution which gives both healthcare providers and patients a connected experience. This level of digital transformation accelerates the level of care offered by healthcare providers and studies have shown the results are incredibly effective. The use of video can be a powerful asset and will help transform healthcare providers who use it as an enabler for better communication and treatment within the digital landscape of healthcare.

Bryan Graven

CEO| Chief Revenue Officer